With a strong academic foundation in a Master’s in Data Science and AWS certifications, I am a skilled and motivated data analyst. Proficient in data analysis, statistical techniques, data visualization, and cloud-based solutions. Dedicated to leveraging my knowledge and technical skills to uncover insights, d rive data-informed decisions, and contribute to organizational success.
0 + Projects completed
Entry-Level Data Analyst | Skilled in Statistical Analysis, Machine Learning, and Data Visualization | Passionate About Extracting Actionable Insights".
manufacturing quality management tools for the inks and allied coating industries.
Medical Equipment Manufacturing,llusion Dental Lab emphasizes quality, utilizing premium materials and advanced technologies such as CAD/CAM units and 3D printing to ensure precision in their products.
Grade: First class .
Below are the sample Data Analytics projects on SQL, Python, ML, Big data.
Proficient in SQL with experience in creating databases, tables, and views.
Perform necessary EDA on the data. Use machine learning to create clusters of similar projects. Create a regression model to predict the budget. create a classification model to predict the value of the Type column.
Below are the details to reach out to me!
Mumbai, India